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Top 10 Traits of Successful Fruit Pickers

September 27, 2023

Don't listen what anyone says, fruit picking is one hell of a job, and just like any job it requires a good set of skills. There is a world of difference between a highly skilled picker and a first time noobie. A great picker will acquire unique combinations of skills and qualities that set them apart from the rest thorough experience and hard work on the field.

Here are the top 10 traits of highly successful fruit pickers:

Attention to Detail

Not every fruit is to be picked when doing the harvesting in a picking gig. Only fruits that are market ready are to be picked and great pickers are able to easily distinguish them. This is achieved by doing it on a daily basics which will develop the picker a keen eye for detail. Skilled pickers are quickly able to identify ripe fruits from unripe ones, ensuring that only the best produce is harvested.

Physical Stamina

Fruit picking can be a demanding job and its definitely not recommended to people who have some disabilities or can not withstand doing physical labor few hours per day. Successful pickers are required to be on their feet for long hours during the day. The higher the stamina, the longer hours they can work without getting fatigued, leading to higher productivity.

Knowledge of Fruits

Depending on the company and the fruits picked, succesfull and skilled pickers need to have understanding of different varieties, their seasons, and the best harvesting techniques. There is a training orientation before starting work for most places which teachers the pickers this information. Knowledgable workers are in everyone's best interest and ensures that the fruits will be picked at the right time and in the right way.

Dexterity and Coordination

Picking fruits, especially delicate ones, requires a gentle touch. Successful pickers have excellent hand-eye coordination, allowing them to handle fruits without causing damage. A skill that can be useful in all areas of life.


Time is of the essence in fruit picking, especially when dealing with perishable items. Lots of employees pay by the buckets - meaning the more fruits are picked, the more money earned. The best pickers develop techniques and strategies to maximize their picking rate without compromising on quality.


Weather conditions, fruit varieties, and terrains and even coworkers can be very different from one place to the other. A successful fruit picker is adaptable, constantly adjusting to suit different environments and challenges.


Fruit picking is often done in a collaborative effort. Being able to work well in a team, communicate effectively, and support fellow pickers is essential for overall success. Successful pickers need to have some people skills up their sleeves.

Problem-Solving Skills

Working in the fields will have many challenges, from equipment malfunctions to unexpected pests. A successful picker should think on their feet, coming up with solutions to ensure the job gets done.

Passion for the Job

Like any profession, passion drives excellence. Those who genuinely enjoy fruit picking, who take pride in their work, and who are motivated to do their best will always stand out.

Respect for Nature

Successful fruit pickers respect the environment, ensuring that they don't harm the trees or plants they're harvesting from and that they leave the orchard in good condition for future harvests.

In conclusion, while fruit picking might seem straightforward, it requires a combination of physical skills, knowledge, and the right attitude. By cultivating these traits, one can ensure a successful and fulfilling career in the world of fruit picking. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills, keeping these traits in mind will set you on the path to success.